Since our founding in 1991, we have specialized in spray systems supply and have garnered extensive knowledge and experience about the products that are to be introduced to the market. Thus, we are able to quickly identify the needs of our clients and provide them with a rich variety of quality products that meet their specific demands.


    German engineering defines the quality and reliability of our valves.  To provide our customers with products of unparalleled quality, we purchase our raw plastic and metal materials from the world’s leading suppliers, and work in tandem with our factory in Dortmund, owned by Aptar Holding, as we process, assemble and test the semi-manufactured products in our respective quality control departments. When utilized correctly, our spray systems deliver an outstanding performance and continue to function proficiently until the product is fully consumed.


    We are determined to supply the optimal spray systems for customers’ products in the fastest way possible. In order to fulfill this pledge, we first utilize our laboratories to test the clients’ sample product with our systems in place and make an informed decision and recommendation as to the optimal spraying system for the product in question. We then determine a periodic supply table, and upon anticipating the clients’ stock needs in a given time frame, we produce and store the products in our warehouse beforehand to meet our clients’ urgent needs and administer fast and prompt delivery.


    We provide thorough technical training to our customers for them to fully utilize the products they purchase. We thereby provide them an opportunity to manufacture economically and in compliance with the industry standards in place.